
Thank you for visiting the DU 参议院工作人员 pages! We're proud to advocate for DU's many staff constituencies.

The 参议院工作人员 is a participant in the University of Denver's shared governance model 和 works closely with the University's administration, 教师 Senate, 和 undergraduate 和 graduate student governments. We elect new senators each year for two year terms under an area-based representation model.

The 参议院工作人员 meets on the second Wednesday of most months. Our meetings are open to DU's community 和 anyone is welcome to attend. For information on upcoming meetings, please see our Senate Meetings page. If you have questions or want to bring an issue to our attention, please see our Your Senators page to get in touch with your area senators.


Mission, Values, 和 Purposes


As a participant in DU’s shared governance, the DU 参议院工作人员 will create connections, support an equitable 和 vibrant work environment, 和 amplify staff voices through policy involvement 和 advocacy action.


The DU 参议院工作人员 is guided by the following values:

  • 多样性 & 包容: representing all staff voices within DU shared governance.
  • 股本: striving to ensure staff have opportunities for resources 和 participation while centering the needs of those historically excluded from resources 和 participation.
  • 透明度: maintaining open communication between the staff community 和 DU leadership.


The DU 参议院工作人员 serves staff in the following ways:

  • 宣传: amplify staff voices to University leadership 和 act for staff advancement 和 equity.
  • 幸福: help staff find integration between career goals, life goals (finding meaning), 和 commitments outside of work.
  • 升值 & 识别: identify 和 support ways to recognize staff value 和 accomplishments.
  • 连接: build interdisciplinary networks 和 structures for collaboration between staff, create personal development opportunities, 和 build 和 maintain connections with faculty, 学生, 校友, 和 other groups.