Denver FIRST


丹佛FIRST是法医心理健康专业知识的区域中心. 我们通过一系列研究促进社区和大学的伙伴关系, 服务及培训机会. Current projects and partnerships include work with adults and juveniles involved with the criminal justice system. 特别专业知识领域包括法医心理健康评估, 门诊能力恢复, 移民/庇护问题和法医神经心理学.

我们的政策和宣传工作侧重于改善法医精神卫生系统, 确保专业人员和评估的标准, 并倡导针对边缘人群的立法改革. 我们多才多艺的教师拥有广泛的法医心理学专业知识. 通过研究, 临床服务及培训, 我们的目标是在地方和全球范围内改善法医心理健康实践.


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Our Team

Our Services

Our expertise and experience empower us to provide forensic mental health services throughout Colorado. We lead the way in developing and implementing cutting-edge, evidence-based practices. 提供的服务包括:

  • 门诊能力恢复
  • 法医鉴定和评估
  • 动物虐待评估
  • 与移民有关的评估和干预
  • 神经心理学筛查和评估
  • 脑损伤筛查项目

Other Services


Our research interests are broad, but center mostly on the applications of evidence-based practices. Faculty serve in various capacities for national research initiatives as journal editors, journal reviewers, 会议审稿人, and have also authored books and produced other scholarly work outside the traditional academic journal review process. 目前的项目包括:

  • Assessing the reliability, validity and quality of forensic mental health evaluations
  • 培训和认证法医心理健康评估人员
  • 改进司法鉴定决策
  • 对因法定精神失常而无罪释放的人的监督和照顾
  • Exploring the effectiveness of outpatient and jail-based competency restoration interventions
  • Evaluating attitudes toward violence risk in mentally ill offenders from relevant disciplines (mental health, judiciary, law enforcement, corrections)
  • Examining the effectiveness of screenings and interventions for incarcerated populations with potential traumatic brain injuries


我们是法医心理健康培训的主要来源, 提供各种培训课程, 为法医鉴定人员和专业人员举办讲习班和咨询. Our interactive, cutting-edge trainings are tailored to the needs of each individual client. 最近的培训和演讲包括:

  • Mental health issues in immigration proceedings (Colorado Bar Association / Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network)
  • 法医心理健康:能力审查, legal sanity, 和暴力风险(联邦公设辩护律师)
  • The College Gateway Program: A model community re-entry program (Colorado Community Development Association)



我们提供法医心理学博士后奖学金. The fellowship runs though the academic year (early September through late August) and provides opportunities for practice, 研究与教学. 研究员有机会与心理健康专家建立联系, administrators, judicial personnel, 惩教人员和科罗拉多州其他司法系统的专业人员. The didactic portion of the fellowship is integrated with the forensic psychology fellowship at the Colorado Mental Health Institute - Pueblo and the University of Colorado's forensic psychiatry fellowship program. 


Our 2023-24 Fellows


  • 凯瑟琳·汉尼博博士
    Katherine Hanniball

    Dr. Katherine Hanniball is one of the 2023-2024 Postdoctoral Fellows in Forensic Psychology at Denver FIRST. She completed her predoctoral internship at the Washington State Office of Forensic Mental Health Services and received her Ph.D. in Clinical Forensic Psychology from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia. Her doctoral research was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and she was the recipient of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Award. Dr. Hanniball has treatment and evaluation experience in a variety of clinical settings, including inpatient, community-based, correctional, 以及私人执业环境. Her current responsibilities during the fellowship year include the forensic evaluation services, 学生临床督导, 教授研究生课程, 以及正在进行的研究项目. 她对法医学相关课题保持着浓厚的研究兴趣, 包括精神病和人格障碍, 法医风险评估, and trauma.

  • 凯瑟琳·斯特林博士
    Katherine Sterling

    Dr. Katherine Sterling is one of the 2023-2024 Postdoctoral Fellows in Forensic Psychology at Denver FIRST. 她毕业于希尔斯伯勒的太平洋大学, Oregon and completed a predoctoral internship at the Center for Behavioral Medicine in Kansas City, Missouri. Dr. Sterling has conducted treatment and evaluations in both inpatient and outpatient settings, 包括社区精神健康诊所和州立医院. 她目前的职责包括法医鉴定, research projects, 教授研究生课程, 以及对学生的监督. 她的研究兴趣包括人格病理学, complex trauma, delusional disorder, 青少年司法专题, 以及能力恢复治疗.

Our Previous Fellows

Each of our fellows passed the EPPP during their fellowship years and had no problems obtaining their psychology licenses in Colorado or other states shortly after completing their fellowships.

  • Josh Francis, PhD
    Josh Francis


    Dr. 弗朗西斯是2022-2023丹佛第一法医心理学博士后. 他毕业于亨茨维尔的萨姆休斯顿州立大学, Texas and completed a predoctoral internship at the Center for Behavioral Medicine in Kansas City, Missouri. 他在各种临床环境中有治疗和评估经验, including inpatient, community-based, 以及惩教环境. He currently serves as a Visiting Teaching Assistant Professor in DU’s MAFP program, and he conducts forensic evaluations in the community as an affiliate of Denver FIRST. Dr. 弗朗西斯一直对法医相关课题有研究兴趣, 包括能力恢复的结果, 司法鉴定的问题, trauma, 寻求感觉行为, and personality.

  • 卡桑德拉·贝利博士
    Cassandra Bailey

    我们2021-2022年的研究员,Dr. Bailey, is now employed as an Assistant Professor at Metropolitan State University of Denver. She has established a private practice conducting forensic evaluations and works as an affiliate of Denver FIRST. 她继续研究与法医心理学相关的课题, immigration, 拉丁裔心理健康差异, 以及西班牙语心理评估测量的心理测量学.

  • 凯特琳·埃尔南德斯博士
    Katelyn Hernandez


    Dr. Hernandez was the 2020-2021 Postdoctoral Fellow in Forensic Psychology at Denver FIRST, 她主要在哪里完成法医鉴定, supervised, and taught. 她毕业于劳德代尔堡的诺瓦东南大学, FL and completed her predoctoral internship at Eastern Virginia Medical School/Eastern State Hospital in Williamsburg, VA. 她之前在各种法医机构工作过, 包括惩教设施, 精神病院, 门诊分流. Her primary clinical interests/career goals are in the areas of criminal and civil forensic evaluations, complex trauma, teaching, and supervising. She is particularly passionate about the impact of childhood adversity and trauma on adult functioning, specifically as it relates to criminal behavior and systemic change in reducing violence.

  • 詹妮弗·麦克马洪博士
    Jen McMahon


    我们2019-20年度的研究员,Dr. McMahon, is employed as a forensic psychologist and lead clinical of the Jail Based Competency Evaluation and Restoration Program for the State of Colorado. 她还担任兼职教师,并在丹佛FIRST的附属机构工作.

  • Kate McCallum, PhD
    Kate McCallum


    我们2018-19年度的研究员,Dr. McCallum, is now employed as a forensic psychologist at a local Denver correctional facility. 她也有一个成功的私人执业法医评估, 她还在丹佛第一医院工作.

  • Karen Grabowski, PhD
    Karen Grabowski


    我们2017-18年度的研究员,Dr. Grabowski, is employed as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Masters of Forensic Psychology Program and is an affiliate of Denver First. She also has a private practice and is a Director of Training and Programs Consultant at the Colorado Forensic Services Division.

  • Lauren Best, PsyD
    Lauren Best


    我们2016-17年度的同事,Dr. Best, operates a successful private practice andis also employed part-time as a forensic evaluator at a state hospital in Oregon.